[This article concentrates on creative and technical individuals within an IT environment, but the theory can easily be applied to many other scenarios.] Due to the simplicity of its underlying architecture, the early world wide web polarised form and function – websites were either works of art or performed some form of technical functionality. With the advances that have now
With people working ever-longer hours and with most staff taking the stress of the day job home with them each night, many people in business today suffer from a lack of sleep. To counter this problem, Microsoft introduced Powerpoint. Now, many considerate companies who are concerned about lack of sleep in their industry will regularly invite a crowd of clients
Sitting around an IKEA table and sipping lattes with a group of marketing executives and chatting about ‘incentivising this’ or ‘surfacing that’, it becomes quite a mental task to reconcile the fact that this whole concept of ‘branding’ takes its name from using hot metal to scar a cow’s bum. But many of the mistakes that companies make in attempting